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An elf in my closet

2002-09-25 -

I blame the fact that I got up at 1pm today, as opposed to 7am when I usually get up, on a pint of pink grapefruit squash. I had put it on my bedside table in the direct line of eyesight between my head and the alarm clock, so the usual 'half wake up and glance at the clock to see what time it is and whether it is time to get up' thing didn't happen because the squash was blocking the view :-(

Today I have alcohol, so I am a little less tense than yesterday. I went shopping for odds and ends this afternoon (washing powder, marge, cakes and beer) and have spent the rest of the day listening to music and playing silly games on my playstation..


LISTENING TO:- The first two minutes of several CDs till I realise that I DON'T want to listen to that crap, before deciding upon Death In Vegas 'Dead Elvis'.

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