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"Who knows if it's real, or just something we're both dreaming of."

Saturday 19th October 2002 - ~9 p.m.

I have spent the best part of the afternoon (what *is* the best part of the afternoon? I personally like between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. but some would argue that by that time of the day it is really 'evening', and I need pick a time between noon and 6 p.m. really. THAT would be something I would have to give a whole lot more thought) trying to put together a 'cast list' thing mentioning friends and stuff that would be of interest or importance w.r.t. referring to persons in my diary. Tried to make it not insulting, not oversentimental, not 'icky' and fair. I feel I have failed, but I was frustrated with how crap it was looking so I have put it up anyhow, maybe to be altered drastically at a later date.

I then spent some time trying to make it link from my diary pages (only seemed to update my template on the last five or so, and I can't be jiggered to go through and edit/save every entry one at a time to allow it to update) and also to make it not show up in 'older' pages or previous/next clickings. Failed in that last task (any help gratefully received!) but it is getting on my wick - whoever said I was impatient? - so I have bunged the fucker up anyhow.

At least the radiators have come back on - who knows for how long - so it's marginally warmer at least for the time being. My teeth still ache, so I'm going to take some painkillers and stop boring you all.

LISTENING TO:- Eels 'Beautiful Freak' and 'Suedehead - The Very Best of Morrissey'. What a cheery chappie I am this evening :-)

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