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Do, do, do, the funky gibbon.

Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002 - mid-afternoon

Was wondering this morning if Alex from Big Brother 3 was a closet Nine Inch Nails fan, bearing in mind the similarity between his "Do Something For Me!!!" outburst at Jade and Adele, and the identical lyric in NIN's song 'Ringfinger'. Somehow he just didn't seem the type, but I guess he was a bit of a dark horse, and could be a closet Reznor fan. Alex in the closet - now *that* is an idea.

Um.. just got an e-mail advertising that Tori Amos is playing a gig fairly local to me in next January. Am umming and erring (can't you hear the noises from where you are - or did you mistake them for a distant asthmatic llama?) about whether to get tickets or not, bearing in mind a) I might not even be living here in January b) I can't afford it at the moment but can I afford it in January? c) I'm slightly hesitant to go if I have to go on my own - would prefer to take one of my good friends who likes Tori Amos, but I don't have friends of that description. All things considered, I think I'll give it a miss. Just like I gave Gemma Hayes a miss, and ended up bitter and twisted because of it. Need to keep up my 'evil step-mother' reputation, just in case I have a sudden sex change and start a relationship with some guy who has children.

I'll get my moans for today over and done with in this paragraph, so they don't spoil the other bits. Firstly it is very cold and my faceless bastard of a landlord* has padlocked the thermostat and timer on the boiler, so there is no way I can remedy the situation using the central heating. I am sitting here wearing heavy jeans, thick socks, a jumper and T-shirt, and I am fricking freezing, which is making me miserable. Secondly my wisdom teeth (or more accurately, the outside two cusps of my lower jaw, right hand side, back wisdom tooth) are causing me discomfort as they rip their way through my gum without the slightest concern for how impolite it would be considered. I have already used up most of my dental-related rude terms, so I'll just heave a resigned sigh at this point.

It's been another sunny day, and I felt a twinge of winter spirit upon seeing the silver tinge of frost on the rooftops when I popped out to the shops to buy my weekend paper (and some chocolate milk!). The paper came with a free CD of the '20 greatest number ones', which, obvious as it is to point this out, did NOT contain the twenty greatest songs to be number one - in truth about half of them could also be referred to as 'number twos' if you catch my drift (and I hope you do, because I am already ashamed that I made that joke). Still, having copies on CD of tracks such as 'The Power of Love' and 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' is always a bonus, just incase I need to organise a kareoke night for some of my odd female friends from down south :-)

Listened to 'Just Enough Education to Perform' (Sterry-Offo-Nix) whilst I was doing the washing up earlier, and it was really crap. Not worth the three quid I bought it for second hand. Stupid Welsh fuckwit with a girls name. NOTE - I am no longer Welsh (as I was on Wednesday night, and for some of Thursday).

I don't suppose buying a red string bag of clementines and putting them on your (untidy) desk counts as 'having five portions of fresh fruit and veg every day' does it? Hmm. I would eat them, honestly, if my teeth weren't aching like they are.

Anyhow, I think I'll post this up and finish the washing up or something, with a better musical accompliment.

LISTENING TO:- Radio 5 Live

* By 'faceless bastard of a landlord' I do not mean that the bloke who owns my rented property was born (illegitimately) with some kind of problem with his head, like some kind of cartoon hero/villain as in 'Darkman' or 'The Invisible Man' or something, I merely am commenting on the fact that in my case, all rental agreements are conducted via a reputable estate agents, and landlord and tenant are never in actual content. Even though the landlord's wife saw me naked once when I didn't bolt the door of the bathroom properly, and she came in to look at the shower, which had me in it.

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